About The Park

Grindland 氵SUNZUI is Chiba which is only 1hr and a half away from Tokyo. There’s no skatepark in this area and the owner thought he wants to make a skatepark for local people. The owner asked local univ students to make the park together and they made the old abandoned house into a skatepark. The park is pretty unique and has unique sections. Even though this park was made by unprofessional builders, it is a well-made park. There’s also an indoor park so even when it’s raining you can skate there.

Basic Info


〒299-2416 Chiba, Minamiboso, Tomiuracho Aoki, 23−2

Phone Number


Official Website



There are parking lots.


Registration Fee 1000yen
Every 2 hrs 2000yen

Opening Hours


Open 365 days

You need to make a reservation to skate here.

Sections List

About The Sections

There is a big bowl which is made of several small bowls there. Each bowl has pool copings on the edge so you can try gliding on it. In the bowl, you can come up with your own skate line and it’d be really fun.

Overall, I’d say this park is for beginner skaters.

The Videos of This Park

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