About The Park

Diorama Skate lounge is only 3 minutes away from “Itabashi St.” and was opened in 2019. There is a lounge space which you can just chill at after skating. The park has free wifi for customers. Since that park is inside, it has A/C, so you can skate comfortably even in summer and winter. Also, they have a lot of rental stuff so you can just go without having your own skateboard. Notice, you need to register before you use the park.

Basic Info


〒173-0004 Tokyo, Itabashi City, Itabashi, 1 Chome−48−8 B1

Phone Number


Official Website



* There is no parking lots


■the registration

2Hrs 1,000yen
3Hrs 1,500yen

2Hrs 800yen
3Hrs 1,000yen

Opening Hours

Week Days 16:00〜21:00
Weekends, Holidays 13:00〜21:00

Section List

About The Sections

The main section of this park is “bowl” and two “mini ramps”. The bowl has a wide bottom so beginners can try that easily. Also, the bowl has little steep quoter pipes, so upper-level skaters can try grinding on it. The mini ramps are in good sizes, not too big not too small. There is a flat space for beginners as well. They also have rails and boxes. Overall, I’d say this park is for beginners.

The Videos of This Park

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